刊名 可看年限 ISSN eISSN 馆藏信息 期刊关联性
Applied Physics A: Solids and Surfaces 1973- 0721-7250 查看馆藏 ap-3
Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 1981- 0946-2171 1432-0649 查看馆藏 ap-3
Applied Physics B: Photo-physics and Laser Chemistry 1981- 0721-7269 查看馆藏 ap-3
Zeitschrift für Angewandte Physik 0044-2283 查看馆藏 ap-3
Applied Scientific Research 0003-6994 查看馆藏 asr-1
Applied Scientific Research Section A: Mechanics, Heat, Chemical Engineering, Mathematical Methods 0365-7132 查看馆藏 asr-1
Applied Scientific Research Section B: Electrophysics, Acoustics, Optics, Mathematical Methods 1950-1965 0365-7140 查看馆藏 asr-1
EDN 0012-7515 查看馆藏 edn-1
EDN/EEE 查看馆藏 edn-1
Electrical Design News 0364-6637 查看馆藏 edn-1
Electronic Components & Applications 0141-6219 查看馆藏 eca-1
Electronics 0883-4989 查看馆藏 electronics
Electronics Week 0748-3252 查看馆藏 electronics
Electronics & Communication Engineering Journal 1989-2002 0954-0695 查看馆藏 electronics-2
Communications Engineer 2003-2007 1479-8352 无馆藏 electronics-2
Electronics 2007-2007 1754-1778 无馆藏 electronics-2
Electronics Systems and Software 2003-2007 1479-8336 无馆藏 electronics-2
The Journal of the British Institution of Radio Engineers 1939-1962 0538-0022 查看馆藏 electronics-2
Journal of the Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers 1985-1988 0267-1689 查看馆藏 electronics-2
Radio and Electronic Engineer 1963-1984 0033-7722 查看馆藏 electronics-2
Electronics Now 1992-1999 1067-9294 查看馆藏 poptronics
Poptronics 1526-3681 查看馆藏 poptronics
Radio Craft and Popular Electronics 查看馆藏 poptronics
Radio-Electronics 0033-7862 查看馆藏 poptronics
The GEC Journal of Research 0264-9187 查看馆藏 gecr-1
The GEC Journal of Technology 1367-0476 查看馆藏 gecr-1
GEC Review 0267-9337 查看馆藏 gecr-1
General Electric Review 0095-9480 查看馆藏 gecr-1
The Marconi Review 0025-2883 查看馆藏 gecr-1
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 1965- 0018-9251 1557-9603 查看馆藏 ieee-14
