Analytical Proceedings including Analytical Communications |
1994-1995 |
0144-557X |
N/A |
无馆藏 |
ac-3 |
Proceedings of the Analytical Division of the Chemical Society |
1975-1979 |
0306-1396 |
N/A |
无馆藏 |
ac-3 |
Proceedings of the Society for Analytical Chemistry |
1964-1974 |
0037-9697 |
N/A |
无馆藏 |
ac-3 |
Annales de Physique |
订购纸本 |
0003-4169 |
查看馆藏 |
ap-2 |
AT&T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal |
1984-1984 |
0748-612X |
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belllabs |
AT&T Technical Journal |
1985-1996 |
8756-2324 |
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belllabs |
AT&T Technology |
0889-8979 |
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belllabs |
Bell Laboratories Record |
0005-8564 |
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belllabs |
Bell Labs Technical Journal |
1996- |
1089-7089 |
1538-7305 |
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belllabs |
The Bell System Technical Journal |
1922-1983 |
0005-8580 |
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belllabs |
British Ceramic Transactions |
0967-9782 |
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britishct |
British Ceramic Transactions and Journal |
0266-7606 |
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britishct |
Transactions and Journal of the British Ceramic Society |
0307-7357 |
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britishct |
Transactions of the British Ceramic Society |
0371-5469 |
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britishct |
Transactions of the Ceramic Society |
0371-5655 |
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britishct |
British Journal of Non-Destructive Testing |
0007-1137 |
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britishjnd |
Bulletin of Alloy Phase Diagrams |
1980-2003 |
0197-0216 |
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jpe-1 |
Journal of Phase Equilibria |
1980-2003 |
1054-9714 |
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jpe-1 |
Electro Optics |
0745-5003 |
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lfw-1 |
Electro-Optical Systems Design |
0424-8457 |
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lfw-1 |
Laser Focus with Fiberoptic Communications |
0190-1451 |
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lfw-1 |
Laser Focus with Fiberoptic Technology |
0275-1399 |
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lfw-1 |
Laser Focus World |
1043-8092 |
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lfw-1 |
Laser Focus |
0023-8589 |
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lfw-1 |
Laser Focus |
0740-2511 |
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lfw-1 |
Royal Institute of Chemistry Reviews |
1968-1971 |
0035-8940 |
N/A |
无馆藏 |
rsc-3 |
Quarterly Review of the Chemical Society |
1947-1971 |
0009-2681 |
N/A |
无馆藏 |
rsc-3 |
Chemical Society Reviews |
1972- |
0306-0012 |
1460-4744 |
无馆藏 |
rsc-3 |
Applied Physics |
1973- |
0340-3793 |
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ap-3 |
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing |
1973- |
0947-8396 |
1432-0630 |
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ap-3 |