周四, 10/24/2024 - 14:57 IET-relation Automation Progress: The Journal of Automatic Production and Control 0572-2284 V.1(1956)-V.7(1962) Instruments in Industry + Automation in Industry: A British Journal Devoted to V.1(1954)-V.4(1957) Control (London) 0589-5901 V.1(1958)-V.13(1969) Instrument Review 0368-024X V.1(1954)-V.15(1968) M and I: Measurement and Instrument Review: Measurement, Inspection, Indication, Recording Display, Transmission, Monitoring and Control 0541-5276 V.15(1968)-V.16(1969) Process engineering 0370-1859 V.53(1972)- Control and Instrumentation 0010-8022 V.1(1969)-V.33(2001)