周一, 10/21/2024 - 16:01 IET-relation Metal Physics 0369-1608 No.1(1970)-no.3(1970) Transactions of the Optical Society of London 1475-4878 V.1(1899)-V.33(1932) Proceedings of the Physical Society of London 1478-7814 V.1(1874)-V.38(1925) Proceedings of the Physical Society 0959-5309 V.39(1926)-V.61(1948) Proceedings of the Physical Society: Section A 0370-1298 V.62(1949)-V.70(1957) Proceedings of the Physical Society: Section B 0370-1301 V.62(1949)-V.70(1957) Proceedings of the Physical Society 0370-1328 V.71(1958)-V.92(1967) Journal of Physics A: General Physics 0022-3689 V.1(1968)-V.5(1972) Journal of Physics A: Mathematical, Nuclear and General 0301-0015 V.6(1973)-V.7(1974) Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 0305-4470 V.8(1975)-V.39(2006) Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 1751-8113 V.40(2007)- Journal of Physics G: Nuclear Physics 0305-4616 V.1(1975)-V.14(1988) Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 0954-3899 V.15(1989)- Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 0022-3700 V.1(1968)-V.20(1987) Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 0953-4075 V.21(1988)- Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 1464-4266 V.1(1999)-V.7(2005) Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 0022-3719 V.1(1968)-V.21(1988) Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 0953-8984 V.1(1989)- Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics 0305-4608 V.1(1971)-V.18(1988) British Journal of Applied Physics 0508-3443 V.1(1950)-V.18(1967) Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 0022-3727 V.1(1968)- Journal of Scientific Instruments 0368-4253 V.1(1924)-V.24(1947) Journal of Scientific Instruments and Physics in Industry 0368-4261 V.25(1948)-V.26(1949) Journal of Scientific Instruments 0950-7671 V.27(1950)-V.44(1967) Journal of Scientific Instruments Ser.2 Journal of Physics E 0950-1290 V.1(1968)-V.2(1969) Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments 0022-3735 V.3(1970)-V.22(1989) Measurement Science and Technology 0957-0233 V.1(1990)-