• title: Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics
    issn: 0899-8213
    publisher: New York$$the American Institute of Physics with the cooperation of the American Physical Society
marc_id dlh year vol issue 下载
xiwen611 J047894 1991 3 1-4 无电子版
xiwen611 J048617 1991 3 5-6 无电子版
xiwen611 J048618 1991 3 7-9 无电子版
xiwen611 J049101 1991 3 10-12 无电子版
xiwen611 J045531 1989 1 5-8 无电子版
xiwen611 J045532 1989 1 9-12 无电子版
xiwen611 J045533 1989 1 1-4 无电子版
