刊名 可看年限 ISSN eISSN 馆藏信息
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Technology Letters 2023- 2771-957X 2771-9588 无馆藏
IEEE Transactions on AgriFood Electronics 2023- 2771-9529 无馆藏
IEEE Transactions on Energy Markets, Policy and Regulation 2023- 2771-9626 无馆藏
IEEE Transactions on Radar Systems 2023- 2832-7357 无馆藏
IEEE Transactions on Signal and Power Integrity 2022- 2768-1866 无馆藏
Journal of Communications and Information Networks 2016- 2096-1081 2509-3312 无馆藏
IEEE Electron Devices Magazine 2023- 2832-7683 2832-7691 无馆藏
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems 2023- 2832-7004 无馆藏
Proceedings of the IEEE 1963- 0018-9219 1558-2256 查看馆藏
Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers 1913-1938 0731-5996 2162-6626 查看馆藏
Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers 1963-1979 0020-3270 查看馆藏
Proceedings of the IRE 1939-1962 0096-8390 2162-6634 查看馆藏
Radio and Electronic Engineer 1963-1984 0033-7722 查看馆藏
SMPTE Journal 1976-2002 0036-1682 查看馆藏
Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers 1884-1951 0096-3860 2330-9431 查看馆藏
Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Part I: Communication and Electronics 1952-1963 0097-2452 2379-674X 查看馆藏
Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Part II: Applications and Industry 1952-1963 0097-2185 2379-6774 查看馆藏
Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Part III: Power Apparatus and Systems 1952-1962 0097-2460 2379-6766 查看馆藏
Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Electronic Computers 1952-1954 2168-1740 2168-1759 查看馆藏
Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Circuit Theory 1952-1954 0197-6389 2331-3870 查看馆藏
Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Electron Devices 1952-1954 0197-6370 2379-8653 查看馆藏
Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Microwave Theory and Techniques 1953-1955 0276-1173 2331-1614 查看馆藏
