Radiation Physics and Chemistry |
1993- |
0969-806X |
无馆藏 |
Reinforced Plastics |
1990- |
0034-3617 |
无馆藏 |
Reports on Mathematical Physics |
1970- |
0034-4877 |
无馆藏 |
稀有金属材料与工程 |
1002-185X |
查看馆藏 |
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells |
1992- |
0927-0248 |
无馆藏 |
Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance |
1980- |
0926-2040 |
无馆藏 |
Surface and Coatings Technology |
1986- |
0257-8972 |
无馆藏 |
Synthetic Metals |
1979- |
0379-6779 |
无馆藏 |
Ultrasonics |
1963- |
0041-624X |
无馆藏 |
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry |
1994- |
1350-4177 |
无馆藏 |
Wave Motion |
1979- |
0165-2125 |
无馆藏 |
Wear |
1957- |
0043-1648 |
无馆藏 |
Advanced Cement Based Materials |
1993-1998 |
1065-7355 |
无馆藏 |
系统工程与电子技术 |
1001-506X |
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Applied Superconductivity |
1993-1999 |
0964-1807 |
无馆藏 |
Composites |
1969-1995 |
0010-4361 |
无馆藏 |
Composites Engineering |
1991-1995 |
0961-9526 |
无馆藏 |
Composites Manufacturing |
1990-1995 |
0956-7143 |
无馆藏 |
Materials & Design (1980-2015) |
1980-2015 |
0261-3069 |
无馆藏 |
Microporous Materials |
1993-1997 |
0927-6513 |
无馆藏 |
Polymer Contents |
1987-2010 |
0883-153X |
无馆藏 |
Polymer Gels and Networks |
1993-1998 |
0966-7822 |
无馆藏 |
Reactive Polymers |
1989-1995 |
0923-1137 |
无馆藏 |
现代物理知识 |
1989- |
1001-0610 |
查看馆藏 |
Supramolecular Science |
1994-1998 |
0968-5677 |
无馆藏 |
Zeolites |
1981-1997 |
0144-2449 |
无馆藏 |
Academic Pediatrics |
1995- |
1876-2859 |
无馆藏 |
Accident Analysis & Prevention |
1995- |
0001-4575 |
无馆藏 |
Accounting Forum |
1995- |
0155-9982 |
无馆藏 |
Accounting, Organizations and Society |
1995- |
0361-3682 |
无馆藏 |