刊名 可看年限 ISSN eISSN 馆藏信息 期刊关联性
Il Nuovo Cimento B: Rivista Internazionale e Organo della Societa Italiana di Fisica 1965-1970 0369-3554 1826-9877 查看馆藏 epj-3
Il Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica A: Nuclei, Particles and Fields 1965-1999 0369-4097 查看馆藏 epj-3
Il Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica B: Relativity, Classical and Statistical Physics 1971-1996 0369-4100 查看馆藏 epj-3
Il Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica B: General Physics, Relativity, Astronomy and Plasmas 1971-1996 1124-1888 查看馆藏 epj-3
Il Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica B: General Physics, Relativity, Astronomy and Mathematical Physics and Methods 1971-1996 2037-4895 查看馆藏 epj-3
Il Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica D: Condensed Matter, Atomic, Molecular and Chemical Physics, Fluids, Plasmas, Biophysics 1982-1998 0392-6737 查看馆藏 epj-3
La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento 1978- 0393-697X 1826-9850 查看馆藏 epj-3
Supplemento al Nuovo Cimento 未订购 0550-3868 查看馆藏 epj-3
Mathematical Programming 1971- 0025-5610 1436-4646 查看馆藏 mp-1
Measurement and Control: Journal of the Institute of Measurement and Control 0020-2940 查看馆藏 mc-1
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 未订购 1542-1406 1563-5287 无馆藏 mclc-1
Molecular Crystals 未订购 0369-1152 查看馆藏 mclc-1
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 未订购 1056-8816 查看馆藏 mclc-1
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 未订购 0026-8941 查看馆藏 mclc-1
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Incorporating Nonlinear Optics 未订购 1044-1859 查看馆藏 mclc-1
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology Section A: Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 未订购 1058-725X 查看馆藏 mclc-1
Nature Materials 2002- 1476-1122 1476-4660 无馆藏 nature
Nature Methods 2009- 1548-7091 1548-7105 无馆藏 nature
Nature Nanotechnology 2006- 1748-3387 1748-3395 无馆藏 nature
Nature Photonics 2007- 1749-4885 1749-4893 无馆藏 nature
Nature Physics 2005- 1745-2473 1745-2481 无馆藏 nature
Nature Energy 2016- e-only 2058-7546 无馆藏 nature
Nature Reviews Materials 2016- e-only 2058-8437 无馆藏 nature
Nature Biotechnology 2011-2015 1087-0156 1546-1696 无馆藏 nature
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 1998-2015 1545-9993 1545-9985 无馆藏 nature
Nature Cell Biology 1999-2010 1476-4679 无馆藏 nature
Nature Electronics 2018- 2520-1131 无馆藏 nature
Nature Protocols 2006-2010 1750-2799 无馆藏 nature
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 2000-2010 1471-0080 无馆藏 nature
Nature Reviews Physics 2019- 2522-5820 无馆藏 nature
