刊名 可看年限 ISSN eISSN 馆藏信息 期刊关联性
Frontiers of Optoelectronics 2008- 2095-2759 无馆藏
Optoelectronics Letters 2012- 1673-1905 1993-5013 无馆藏
Photonic Sensors 2011- 1674-9251 无馆藏
中国光学 2009- 2095-1531 无馆藏
Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences 2008- 1793-5458 无馆藏
中国科技期刊发展蓝皮书 (online)2017- 0000-0001 无馆藏
Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology (part)2017- 2096-4226 无馆藏
Journal of Advances in Health 2019- 2640-8686 无馆藏
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 0001-4966 查看馆藏
National Science Review 2014- 2095-5138 无馆藏
Virtual Reality & Intelligent Hardware 2019- 2096-5796 无馆藏
Journal of Ceramic Processing Research 2000- 1229-9162 2672-152X 无馆藏
Physics of Particles and Nuclei 2006- 1063-7796 1531-8559 无馆藏
Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters 2006- 1547-4771 1531-8567 无馆藏
Polymer Science, Series A 2006- 0965-545X 1555-6107 无馆藏
Polymer Science, Series B 2006- 1560-0904 1555-6123 无馆藏
Polymer Science, Series C 2006- 1811-2382 1555-614X 无馆藏
Sankhya A: The Indian Journal of Statistics 2010- 0976-836X 0976-8378 无馆藏
Sankhya B: The Indian Journal of Statistics 2010- 0976-8386 0976-8394 无馆藏
3 Biotech all 2190-5738 无馆藏
3D Research all 2092-6731 无馆藏
4OR all 1619-4500 1614-2411 无馆藏
Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg all 0025-5858 1865-8784 无馆藏
Academic Questions all 0895-4852 1936-4709 无馆藏
Accreditation and Quality Assurance all 0949-1775 1432-0517 无馆藏
Acoustical Physics all 1063-7710 1562-6865 无馆藏
Acta Analytica all 0353-5150 1874-6349 无馆藏
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae all 0167-8019 1572-9036 无馆藏
acta ethologica all 0873-9749 1437-9546 无馆藏
Acta Geochimica all 2096-0956 2365-7499 无馆藏
