刊名 可看年限 ISSN eISSN 馆藏信息 期刊关联性
Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali 1990- 2037-4631 1720-0776 无馆藏
Sugar Tech 1999- 0972-1525 0974-0740 无馆藏
The AAPS Journal 1999- 1550-7416 无馆藏
The Cerebellum 2002- 1473-4222 1473-4230 无馆藏
Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal canadien d'anesthésie 1954- 0832-610X 1496-8975 无馆藏
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 2009- 1598-6446 2005-4092 无馆藏
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing 2009- 2234-7593 2005-4602 无馆藏
Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology 2009- 1975-9479 2005-8276 无馆藏
Journal of Nuclear Cardiology 1994- 1071-3581 1532-6551 无馆藏
Journal of Optics 2000- 0972-8821 0974-6900 无馆藏
Journal of Plant Biology 1997- 1226-9239 1867-0725 无馆藏
Marine Biodiversity 1998- 1867-1616 1867-1624 无馆藏
Metals and Materials International 1995- 1598-9623 2005-4149 无馆藏
Neurotoxicity Research 1999- 1029-8428 1476-3524 无馆藏
Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 1996- 1867-1594 1867-1608 无馆藏
Reproductive Medicine and Biology 2002-2016 1445-5781 1447-0578 无馆藏
Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 2008- 0972-2815 0975-1645 无馆藏
Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems 2018- e-only 无馆藏
Journal of Mathematical Physics 1960- 0022-2488 1089-7658 查看馆藏
Inorganic Materials 2000- 0020-1685 1608-3172 无馆藏
Advanced Electronic Materials 2015-2016 2199-160X 无馆藏
Applied Physics Reviews 2014- e-only 1931-9401 无馆藏
红外 1672-8785 查看馆藏
Riken Research 2006- 1883-3519 无馆藏
Annals of Applied Statistics 2007-2017 1932-6157 1941-7330 无馆藏
Springer Materials(二次型数据库) 数值数据库 无馆藏
The EMBO Journal 1982- 1460-2075 无馆藏
Molecular System Biology 2005- 1744-4292 无馆藏
Life Science Alliance 2018- 2575-1077 无馆藏
Communications in Applied Numerical Methods 1985- 0748-8025 2040-7947 无馆藏
