刊名 可看年限 ISSN eISSN 馆藏信息
Surface Technology 1976-1985 0376-4583 无馆藏
Science in Context 1987- 0269-8897 1474-0664 无馆藏
Seed Science Research 1991- 0960-2585 1475-2735 无馆藏
The Spanish Journal of Psychology 2009- 1138-7416 1988-2904 无馆藏
Scandinavian Journal of Immunology 1972- 1365-3083 无馆藏
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 1960- 1467-9450 无馆藏
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 1997- 0303-6898 1467-9469 无馆藏
Scanning - The Journal of Scanning Microscopies 1978-2016 1932-8745 无馆藏
Science Education 1916- 1098-237X 无馆藏
Sedimentology 1962- 1365-3091 无馆藏
Significance 2004- 1740-9705 1740-9713 无馆藏
Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 1980- 1467-9493 无馆藏
Skin Research and Technology 1995- 1600-0846 无馆藏
Sociologia Ruralis 1960- 1467-9523 无馆藏
Soil Use and Management 1985- 1475-2743 无馆藏
Starch - Starke 1949- 1521-379X 无馆藏
Statistics in Medicine 1982- 1097-0258 无馆藏
Strain 1965- 1475-1305 无馆藏
Studies In Applied Mathematics 1922- 0022-2526 1467-9590 无馆藏
Sustainable Development 1993- 1099-1719 无馆藏
Synapse 1987- 1098-2396 无馆藏
Systematic Entomology 1932- 1365-3113 无馆藏
SMPTE Journal 1955 1955-1955 0898-0438 无馆藏
SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal 2002- 1545-0279 无馆藏
Software & Microsystems 1981-1985 0261-3182 无馆藏
Software Engineering Journal 1986-1996 0268-6961 无馆藏
Space Weather 2003- 1542-7390 无馆藏
Students' Quarterly Journal 1930-1972 0039-2871 无馆藏
Sādhanā 1978- 0256-2499 0973-7677 无馆藏
Signal, Image and Video Processing 2007- 1863-1711 无馆藏
