Russian Chemical Reviews | 1960- | 0036-021X | 1468-4837 | 无馆藏 |
Russian Mathematical Surveys | 1960- | 0036-0279 | 1468-4829 | 无馆藏 |
Review of Physics in Technology (1970 – 1972) | 1970-1972 | 0034-6683 | 1747-3888 | 无馆藏 |
Russian Academy of Sciences: Izvestiya Mathematics | 1993-1995 | 1064-5632 | | 无馆藏 |
Russian Academy of Sciences: Sbornik Mathematics | 1993-1995 | 1064-5616 | | 无馆藏 |
Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2009- | 1674-4527 | 2397-6209 | 无馆藏 |
Royal Institute of Chemistry Reviews | 1968-1971 | 0035-8940 | N/A | 无馆藏 |
RSC Advances | 2011- | e-only | 2046-2069 | 无馆藏 |
Radiation Measurements | 1994- | 1350-4487 | | 无馆藏 |
Radiation Physics and Chemistry | 1993- | 0969-806X | | 无馆藏 |
Reinforced Plastics | 1990- | 0034-3617 | | 无馆藏 |
Reports on Mathematical Physics | 1970- | 0034-4877 | | 无馆藏 |
Reactive Polymers | 1989-1995 | 0923-1137 | | 无馆藏 |
Radiography | 1995- | 1078-8174 | | 无馆藏 |
Radiología (English Edition) | 1995- | 2173-5107 | | 无馆藏 |
Radiotherapy and Oncology | 1995- | 0167-8140 | | 无馆藏 |
Rare Metal Materials and Engineering | 1995- | 1875-5372 | | 无馆藏 |
REACH - Reviews in Human Space Exploration | 1995- | 2352-3093 | | 无馆藏 |
Reactive and Functional Polymers | 1995- | 1381-5148 | | 无馆藏 |
Regional Science and Urban Economics | 1995- | 0166-0462 | | 无馆藏 |
Regional Studies in Marine Science | 1995- | 2352-4855 | | 无馆藏 |
Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology | 1995- | 0273-2300 | | 无馆藏 |
Reliability Engineering & System Safety | 1995- | 0951-8320 | | 无馆藏 |
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment | 1995- | 2352-9385 | | 无馆藏 |
Remote Sensing of Environment | 1995- | 0034-4257 | | 无馆藏 |
Renewable Energy | 1995- | 0960-1481 | | 无馆藏 |
Renewable Energy Focus | 1995- | 1755-0084 | | 无馆藏 |
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews | 1995- | 1364-0321 | | 无馆藏 |
Reports of Practical Oncology & Radiotherapy | 1995- | 1507-1367 | | 无馆藏 |
Reproductive Biology | 1995- | 1642-431X | | 无馆藏 |