刊名 可看年限 ISSN eISSN 馆藏信息
Low Temperature Physics 1997- 1063-777X 1090-6517 无馆藏
Lasers book 无馆藏
Lab on a Chip 2001- 1473-0197 1473-0189 无馆藏
Laboratory Hazards Bulletin (database) 1984- e-only 1476-3915 无馆藏
Labour Economics 1995- 0927-5371 无馆藏
Land Use Policy 1995- 0264-8377 无馆藏
Landscape and Urban Planning 1995- 0169-2046 无馆藏
Language & Communication 1995- 0271-5309 无馆藏
Language Sciences 1995- 0388-0001 无馆藏
The Leadership Quarterly 1995- 1048-9843 无馆藏
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction 1995- 2210-6561 无馆藏
Learning and Individual Differences 1995- 1041-6080 无馆藏
Learning and Instruction 1995- 0959-4752 无馆藏
Learning and Motivation 1995- 0023-9690 无馆藏
Legal Medicine 1995- 1344-6223 无馆藏
Leukemia Research 1995- 0145-2126 无馆藏
Library & Information Science Research 1995- 0740-8188 无馆藏
Life Sciences 1995- 0024-3205 无馆藏
Life Sciences in Space Research 1995- 2214-5524 无馆藏
Limnologica - Ecology and Management of Inland Waters 1995- 0075-9511 无馆藏
Linear Algebra and its Applications 1995- 0024-3795 无馆藏
Lingua 1995- 0024-3841 无馆藏
Linguistics and Education 1995- 0898-5898 无馆藏
Lithos 1995- 0024-4937 无馆藏
Livestock Science 1995- 1871-1413 无馆藏
Long Range Planning 1995- 0024-6301 无馆藏
Lung Cancer 1995- 0169-5002 无馆藏
LWT - Food Science and Technology 1995- 0023-6438 无馆藏
Laboratory Automation & Information Management 1995- 1381-141X 无馆藏
Laser-Medizin: Interdisziplinäre Zeitschrift; Praxis, Klinik, Forschung 1995- 0938-765X 无馆藏
