IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks | 1990-2011 | 1045-9227 | 1941-0093 | 无馆藏 |
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems | 2012- | 2162-237X | 2162-2388 | 无馆藏 |
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering | 2001- | 1534-4320 | 1558-0210 | 无馆藏 |
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems | 1990- | 1045-9219 | 1558-2183 | 无馆藏 |
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence | 1979- | 0162-8828 | 1939-3539 | 无馆藏 |
IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems | 1963-1985 | 0018-9510 | | 无馆藏 |
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery | 1986- | 0885-8977 | 1937-4208 | 无馆藏 |
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics | 1986- | 0885-8993 | 1941-0107 | 无馆藏 |
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems | 1986- | 0885-8950 | 1558-0679 | 无馆藏 |
IEEE Transactions on Product Engineering and Production | 1963-1965 | 0097-4544 | 1558-2450 | 无馆藏 |
IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication | 1972- | 0361-1434 | 1558-1500 | 无馆藏 |
IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences | 2017- | 2469-7311 | 2469-7303 | 无馆藏 |
IEEE Transactions on Radio Frequency Interference | 1963-1963 | 2168-1848 | 2168-1856 | 无馆藏 |
IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation Engineering | 1993-2000 | 1063-6528 | 1558-0024 | 无馆藏 |
IEEE Transactions on Robotics | 2004- | 1552-3098 | 1941-0468 | 无馆藏 |
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation | 1989-2004 | 1042-296X | 2374-958X | 无馆藏 |
IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing | 1988- | 0894-6507 | 1558-2345 | 无馆藏 |
IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Technology Modeling and Simulation | 1996-1996 | | | 无馆藏 |
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing | 2008- | 1939-1374 | 1939-1374 | 无馆藏 |
IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks | 2015- | 2373-776X | 2373-776X | 无馆藏 |
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing | 1991- | 1053-587X | 1941-0476 | 无馆藏 |
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid | 2010- | 1949-3053 | 1949-3061 | 无馆藏 |
IEEE Transactions on Sonics and Ultrasonics | 1964-1985 | 0018-9537 | 2162-1403 | 无馆藏 |
IEEE Transactions on Space Electronics and Telemetry | 1963-1965 | 0096-2414 | 2374-9539 | 无馆藏 |
IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing | 1993-2005 | 1063-6676 | 1558-2353 | 无馆藏 |
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing | 2016- | 2377-3782 | 2377-3782 | 无馆藏 |
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy | 2010- | 1949-3029 | 1949-3037 | 无馆藏 |
IEEE Transactions on Systems Science and Cybernetics | 1965-1970 | 0536-1567 | 2168-2887 | 无馆藏 |
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans | 1996-2012 | 1083-4427 | 1558-2426 | 无馆藏 |
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) | 1996-2012 | 1083-4419 | 1941-0492 | 无馆藏 |