Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces | 1993- | 0927-7765 | | 无馆藏 | |
Composite Structures | 1983- | 0263-8223 | | 无馆藏 | |
Composites Science and Technology | 1985- | 0266-3538 | | 无馆藏 | |
Computational Materials Science | 1992- | 0927-0256 | | 无馆藏 | |
Construction and Building Materials | 1987- | 0950-0618 | | 无馆藏 | |
Corrosion Science | 1961- | 0010-938X | | 无馆藏 | |
Dental Materials | 1985- | 0109-5641 | | 无馆藏 | |
Diamond and Related Materials | 1991- | 0925-9635 | | 无馆藏 | |
Dyes and Pigments | 1980- | 0143-7208 | | 无馆藏 | |
European Polymer Journal | 1965- | 0014-3057 | | 无馆藏 | |
Intermetallics | 1993- | 0966-9795 | | 无馆藏 | |
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives | 1980- | 0143-7496 | | 无馆藏 | |
物理学进展 | 1981- | 1000-0542 | | 查看馆藏 | |
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics | 1966- | 0020-7462 | | 无馆藏 | |
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials | 1991- | 0263-4368 | | 无馆藏 | |
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science | 1966- | 0021-9797 | | 无馆藏 | |
Journal of Geometry and Physics | 1989- | 0393-0440 | | 无馆藏 | |
Journal of Materials Processing Technology | 1975- | 0924-0136 | | 无馆藏 | |
Journal of Sound and Vibration | 1961- | 0022-460X | | 无馆藏 | |
Journal of the European Ceramic Society | 1969- | 0955-2219 | | 无馆藏 | |
Materials Characterization | 1983- | 1044-5803 | | 无馆藏 | |
Materials Chemistry and Physics | 1980- | 0254-0584 | | 无馆藏 | |
Materials Letters | 1982- | 0167-577X | | 无馆藏 | |
Materials Science and Engineering: C | 1993- | 0928-4931 | | 无馆藏 | |
Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports | 1993- | 0927-796X | | 无馆藏 | |
Mechanics of Materials | 1982- | 0167-6636 | | 无馆藏 | |
Metal Powder Report | 1990- | 0026-0657 | | 无馆藏 | |
Microelectronic Engineering | 1983- | 0167-9317 | | 无馆藏 | |
Micron | 1993- | 0968-4328 | | 无馆藏 | |
Optical Materials | 1992- | 0925-3467 | | 无馆藏 | |