题名 作者 期刊名称 页码
Synthesis and characterization of titanosilicate with the structure of umbite Zhao, YN; Li, YF; Zou, YC; Mai, ZH; Pang, WQ CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN CHINESE UNIVERSITIES 2002 18 4 UNSP 1005-9040(2002)-04-380-05
Spin glass behavior and magnetocaloric effect in amorphous alloys Ce2Fe23-xMnxB3 Wang, F; Shen, J; Zhang, J; Sun, JR; Shen, BG JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2009 105 7 07A944
Magnetic and transport properties of bilayered manganites La1.2Sr1.8Mn2-xGaxO7 (x=0, 0.08) Zheng, L; Zhou, M; Zhao, JJ; Cheng, ZH; Zhang, XQ; Xing, R; Zhang, XF; Lu, Y CHINESE PHYSICS B 2011 20 8 87501
Recent development of studies on the mechanism of resistive memories in several metal oxides Tian, XZ; Wang, LF; Li, XM; Wei, JK; Yang, SZ; Xu, Z; Wang, WL; Bai, XD SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY 2013 56 12 2361
Excitation of frustrated translation and nonadiabatic adatom hopping induced by inelastic tunneling Liu, K; Gao, SW PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2005 95 22 226102
High-index Cu2O (113) film on faceted MgO (110) by molecular beam epitaxy Huo, WX; Shi, JA; Mei, ZX; Liu, LS; Li, JQ; Gu, L; Du, XL; Xue, QK JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 2015 420 32
Pulse-induced alternation from bipolar resistive switching to unipolar resistive switching in the Ag/AgOx/Mg0.2Zn0.8O/Pt device Wei, LL; Wang, J; Chen, YS; Shang, DS; Sun, ZG; Shen, BG; Sun, JR JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS 2012 45 42 425303
A facile mechanochemical way to prepare g-C3N4 Zhao, HZ; Chen, XL; Jia, CC; Zhou, T; Qu, XH; Jian, JK; Xu, YP; Zhou, T MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING B-SOLID STATE MATERIALS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY 2005 122 3 226
Recombination in SnO2-Based Quantum Dots Sensitized Solar Cells: The Role of Surface States Huang, QL; Li, F; Gong, Y; Luo, JH; Yang, SZ; Luo, YH; Li, DM; Bai, XD; Meng, QB JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 2013 117 21 10965
Study of superstructure II in multiferroic BiMnO3 Ge, BH; Li, FH; Li, XM; Wang, YM; Chi, ZH; Jin, CQ CHINESE PHYSICS B 2008 17 9 3163
Directly Probing the Anisotropic Optical Emission of Individual ZnO Nanorods Gao, M; Cheng, R; Li, WL; Li, YP; Zhang, XX; Xie, SS JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 2010 114 25 11081
Large refrigerant capacity of RGa (R = Tb and Dy) compounds Zheng, XQ; Chen, J; Shen, J; Zhang, H; Xu, ZY; Gao, WW; Wu, JF; Hu, FX; Sun, JR; Shen, BG JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2012 111 7 07A917
Characteristics of optical multiple channelled filters made of aperiodically patterned phase elements Liu, CP; Lee, KJ; Ko, CH; Dong, BZ OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY 2007 39 2 415
Effect of asymmetrical eddy currents on magnetic diagnosis signals for equilibrium reconstruction in the Sino-UNIted Spherical Tokamak Jiang, YZ; Tan, Y; Gao, Z; Wang, L REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 2014 85 11 11E815
A multi-stage growth model leading to high-yield production of carbon nanotubes Tian, YJ; Yang, HX; Cui, YB; Zhan, SL; Chen, YF CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 2008 28 3299
Electrical control of magnetization in charge-ordered multiferroic LuFe2O4 Li, CH; Wang, F; Liu, Y; Zhang, XQ; Cheng, ZH; Sun, Y PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2009 79 17 172412
物理学咬文嚼字之五十 Polarization 曹则贤; 物理 2012 9 607-610
La_(0.67)Sr_(0.33-x)Ag_xMnO_3的室温磁电阻效应 唐贵德; 刘兴民; 刘力虎; 赵旭; 白一鸣; 潘成福; 侯登录; 余勇; 禹日成; 靳常青; 功能材料 2004 4 434-436
Unusual colossal positive magnetoresistance of the n-n heterojunction composed of La0.33Ca0.67MnO3 and Nb-doped SrTiO3 Xiong, CM; Zhao, YG; Xie, BT; Lang, PL; Jin, KJ APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 2006 88 19 193507
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Optimizing Hartree-Fock orbitals by the density-matrix renormalization group Luo, HG; Qin, MP; Xiang, T PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2010 81 23 235129
Far-infrared optical properties of SrLaAlO4 single crystal Chen, GX; Ge, YJ; Bi, CZ; Qiu, XG; Zhao, BR JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2004 95 7 3417
Metal-Organic Frameworks Capable of Healing at Low Temperatures Chen, ZG; Wang, GH; Xu, ZP; Li, H; Dhotel, A; Zeng, XC; Chen, BL; Saiter, JM; Tan, L ADVANCED MATERIALS 2013 25 42 6106
Magnetic microstructure of sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets made from casting strips Fang, YK; Zhu, MG; Guo, YQ; Li, W; Han, BS CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS 2004 21 8 1655
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Superconducting properties of "111" type LiFeAs iron arsenide single crystals Wang, XC; Liu, QQ; Lv, YX; Deng, Z; Zhao, K; Yu, RC; Zhu, JL; Jin, CQ SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY 2010 53 7 1199
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Hexagonal phases consisting of icosahedral chains/networks in (001) layers in Al-Cr-Si alloys He, ZB; Kuo, KH JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 2004 373 1-2 39
Doping Evolution of Nodal Band Renormalization in Bi2Sr2CuO6+delta Superconductor Revealed by Laser-Based Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy Peng, YY; Meng, JQ; Zhao, L; Liu, Y; He, JF; Liu, GD; Dong, XL; He, SL; Zhang, J; Chen, CT; Xu, ZY; Zhou, XJ CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS 2013 30 6 67402
氢气区熔硅单晶氢致缺陷的研究 麦振洪; 崔树范; 林健; 吕岩; 物理学报 1984 7 921-926+1068
Optical property of fractal clusters in Nd3+ doped polymer optical fiber Guo, Y; Zheng, X; Ming, H; Zhang, QJ; Xie, AF; Zhang, ZB; Gu, BY JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE LETTERS 2001 20 6 521
Enhancement of Extraordinary Hall Effect in Pt/CoFe Multilayers With a Small Amount of Fe Doped Into Pt Layers Lv, QL; Cai, JW IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS 2011 47 10 3096
Near-field scanning optical microscopy: Electromagnetic coupling between the aperture tip and the sample Gu, BY; Li, ZY; Yang, GZ MINIATURIZED SYSTEMS WITH MICRO-OPTICS AND MICROMECHANICS III 1998 3276 156
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A new coupling matrix extracting method in the superconducting filter design Li, F; Zhang, XQ; Sun, L; Zhang, Q; Li, CG; Li, SZ; He, AS; Li, H; He, YS SIXTH INT KHARKOV SYMPOSIUM ON PHYSICS AND ENGINEERING OF MICROWAVES, MILLIMETER AND SUBMILLIMETER WAVES/WORKSHOP ON TERAHERTZ TECHNOLOGIES, VOLS 1 AND 2 2007 419
铁电可翻转二极管与电致电阻效应 王灿; 2014中国功能材料科技与产业高层论坛摘要集 2014 1
晶体X射线衍射的发现及其深远影响 麦振洪; 现代物理知识 2003 5 53-55
Magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effect in the RCu2Si2 and RCu2Ge2 (R = Ho, Er) compounds Mo, ZJ; Shen, J; Yan, LQ; Gao, XQ; Wang, LC; Tang, CC; Wu, JF; Sun, JR; Shen, BG JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2014 115 7 73905
Surface electron acceleration in relativistic laser-solid interactions Chen, M; Sheng, ZM; Zheng, J; Ma, YY; Bari, MA; Li, YT; Zhang, J OPTICS EXPRESS 2006 14 7 3093
TEM study on hollow and porous Cu2O nanoparticles prepared from solution phase Zhang, HR; Yu, HC; Shen, CM; Yang, HX; Li, JQ CHINESE PHYSICS 2006 15 6 1290
微区光谱技术在细胞生物学中的应用 郭红莲; 程丙英; 张道中; 刘红霞; 曹勤红; 刘国琴; 量子电子学报 2002 3 223-225
Decay distribution of spontaneous emission from an assembly of atoms in photonic crystals with pseudogaps Wang, XH; Wang, RZ; Gu, BY; Yang, GZ PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2002 88 9 93902
铌酸锂非线性光子晶体中二次谐波、三次谐波和高次谐波产生 李志远; 陈宝琴; 胡晨阳; 刘荣鹃; 第十七届全国晶体生长与材料学术会议摘要集 2015 2
Laser molecular beam epitaxy of BaTiO3 thin films Cui, DF; Wang, HS; Ma, K; Chen, ZH; Zhou, YL; Lu, HB; Li, L; Yang, GZ MATERIAL SCIENCE AND MATERIAL PROPERTIES FOR INFRARED OPTOELECTRONICS 1997 3182 396
Magnetoconductance related to change in density-of-states of decagonal quasicrystals - observation of a scaling behaviour Zhang, DL; Li, GH; Lu, L; Wang, ZM; He, HF; Wang, YP; Jing, XN; Li, SL JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 2002 14 5 PII S0953-8984(02)31413-9
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Structural modulation and electronic structural features in the charge ordered state of La(0.5)Sr(1.5)MnO(4) Zeng, LJ; Ma, C; Yang, HX; Xiao, RJ; Li, JQ; Jansen, J PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2008 77 2 24107
