题名 作者 期刊名称 页码
直流电弧等离子体喷射制备碳纤维及其结构的研究 付春生,朱鹤孙,唐光诗,赵清华,解思深,王刚,李文治,周维亚,赵日安; 高技术通讯 1996 4 21-23
Control of Exciton Valley Coherence in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayers Wang, G; Marie, X; Liu, BL; Amand, T; Robert, C; Cadiz, F; Renucci, P; Urbaszek, B PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2016 117 18 187401
高压下聚苯胺的结构和电性能研究 肖万生; 翁克难; 彭文世; 鲍忠兴; 柳翠霞; 曾幸荣; 高压物理学报 1997 2 6-10
Studies of bromine modified single-walled carbon nanotubes using photoelectron spectroscopy and density-functional theory Gao, B; Zhong, J; Song, L; Wu, ZY; Xie, SS; Qian, HJ; Dong, YH; Luo, Y RADIATION PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY 2006 75 11 1939
Electronic transport and photovoltaic properties in Bi2Sr2Co2Oy epitaxial heterostructures Guo, HZ; Gu, L; Yang, ZZ; Wang, SF; Fu, GS; Wang, L; Jin, KJ; Lu, HB; Wang, C; Ge, C; He, M; Yang, GZ EPL 2013 103 4 47006
Kondo transport through serially coupled triple quantum dots Jiang, ZT; Sun, QF; Wang, YP PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2005 72 4 45332
Ultrathin Li3VO4 nanoribbon/graphene sandwich-like nanostructures with ultrahigh lithium ion storage properties Liu, J; Lu, PJ; Liang, S; Liu, J; Wang, W; Lei, M; Tang, S; Yang, Q NANO ENERGY 2015 12 709
利用DEA对科研机构规模效益的分析 孟溦; 黄敏; 刘文斌; 科研管理 2006 4 20-25+19
Isostructural phase transition of TiN under high pressure Zhao, JG; Yang, LX; Yu, Y; You, SJ; Yu, RC; Li, FY; Chen, LC; Jin, CQ; Li, XD; Li, YC; Liu, J CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS 2005 22 5 1199
压力诱导的拓扑绝缘体化合物Bi_2Te_3常压相的超导性 张俊良; 张思佳; 翁红明; 于晓辉; 张巍; 杨留响; 刘清青; 冯少敏; 望贤成; 禹日成; 曹烈兆; 张首晟; 戴希; 方忠; 靳常青; 低温物理学报 2012 34 1 1-7
铁电移相器优值研究 张晓玲; 孟庆端; 李娜; 张雪强; 何豫生; 低温物理学报 2010 32 3 213-217
Influence of tilting of SrTiO3 substrates on the morphology and superconductivity of YBa2Cu3O7-delta thin films Hu, WF; Wang, TS; Shi, DX; Zhao, XJ; Peng, W; Lei, C; Tao, HJ; Chen, YF; Li, L JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 2001 231 1-2 129
Space qualification mechanical tests of HTS filters for satellite application Huang, JD; Sun, L; Li, SZ; Meng, QD; Zhang, Q; Li, F; Zhang, XQ; Li, CG; He, AS; Li, H; Gu, CZ; Luo, Q; Sun, QF; Wang, XL; Sun, YF; Wang, ZB; Wang, YF; Luo, S; He, YS CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN 2007 52 13 1771
Remote excitation and remote detection of a single quantum dot using propagating surface plasmons on silver nanowire Li, Q; Wei, H; Xu, HX CHINESE PHYSICS B 2014 23 9 97302
Analysis of Raman and infrared spectra of poly (vinylidene fluoride) irradiated by KrF excimer laser Ji, YL; Liu, J; Jiang, YJ; Liu, YL SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY 2008 70 2 297
Optical Near-Field Mapping of Plasmonic Nanoprisms Rang, M; Jones, AC; Zhou, F; Li, ZY; Wiley, BJ; Xia, YN; Raschke, MB NANO LETTERS 2008 8 10 3357
光物理研究的进展 杨国帧,章志鸣; 科技导报 1996 12 23-25+8
Insight into vibration mode-resolved plasmon enhanced Raman optical activity Li, YQ; Sheng, SX; Zhang, ZL; Liu, LW; Sun, MT JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE 2014 415 165
Magnetic properties of Tb-2(Fe, Cr)(17) single crystal Yang, CP; Wang, YZ; Wu, GH; Hu, BP; Wang, JL; Wang, ZX; Jiang, ZL; Zhu, J JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 1999 11 26 5169
Molecular beam epitaxy of single unit- cell FeSe superconducting films on SrTiO3 (001) Wang, M; Ou, YB; Li, FS; Zhang, WH; Tang, CJ; Wang, LL; Xue, QK; Ma, XC ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 2014 63 2 27401
Superposed oscillation in force calibrations driven by triangular-wave in optical tweezers system Guo, HL; Liu, CX; Jiang, YQ; Li, XL; Cheng, BY; Zhang, DZ OPTICAL TRAPPING AND OPTICAL MICROMANIPULATION 2004 5514 732
高性能背照式GaN/AlGaN p-i-n紫外探测器的制备与性能 陈亮;张燕;陈俊;郭丽伟;李向阳;龚海梅; 红外与激光工程 2007 6 928-931
Hydrothermal Synthesis and Photoluminescent Properties of Zinc Tungstate Nano/Microstructures Wang, Q; Sun, MM; Li, CH MECHATRONICS AND MATERIALS PROCESSING I, PTS 1-3 2011 328-330 1580
Multiple-Particle Nanoantennas for Enormous Enhancement and Polarization Control of Light Emission Li, ZP; Shegai, T; Haran, G; Xu, HX ACS NANO 2009 3 3 637
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双自旋过滤隧道结在有限偏压下的隧穿电导和隧穿磁电阻 谢征微; 李伯臧; 中国科学(A辑) 2002 8 696-703
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Doping dependence of the upper critical field in La2-xSrxCuO4 from specific heat Wang, Y; Wen, HH EPL 2008 81 5 57007
Nodeless energy gaps of single-crystalline Ba0.68K0.32Fe2As2 as seen via As-75 NMR Li, Z; Sun, DL; Lin, CT; Su, YH; Hu, JP; Zheng, GQ PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2011 83 14 140506
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High-Q Microcavity in Two-Dimensional Diamond Photonic Crystal Thin Films Realized via a Mode Gap Zhou, CZ; Xiong, ZG; Li, ZY CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS 2009 26 9 94201
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Low-temperature synthesis and photoluminescence of AlN Lan, YC; Chen, XL; Cao, YG; Xu, YP; Xun, LD; Xu, T; Liang, JK JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 1999 207 3 247
A Model for Transition of 5 '-Nuclease Domain of DNA Polymerase I from Inert to Active Modes Xie, P; Sayers, JR PLOS ONE 2011 6 1 e16213
红外光谱成像分析技术的应用研究 王树铎; 中国仪器仪表 2010 S1 165-168+211
Observations of quasiperiodic transition to frequency locking in electron cyclotron resonance plasma Zao, XZ; Jiang, DH PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 1997 79 25 5014
Spin transport properties of a quantum dot coupled to ferromagnetic leads with noncollinear magnetizations Zhang, H; Zhang, GM; Yu, L JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 2009 21 15 155501
Anomalous electronic state in CaCrO3 and SrCrO3 Zhou, JS; Jin, CQ; Long, YW; Yang, LX; Goodenough, JB PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2006 96 4 46408
Phase relations and flux research for zinc oxide crystal growth in the ZnO-Na2O-P2O5 system Ji, LN; Li, JB; Luo, J; Liang, JK; Zhang, JY; Liu, YH; Rao, GH JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 2008 465 1-2 436
布里渊散射深入研究Y_(3-x)Bi_xFe_5O_(12)晶体中的磁振子和声学声子(英文) 刘玉龙; 萧季驹; 光散射学报 2002 1 13-19
Diffusivity Control in Molecule-on-Metal Systems Using Electric Fields Jiang, N; Zhang, YY; Liu, Q; Cheng, ZH; Deng, ZT; Du, SX; Gao, HJ; Beck, MJ; Pantelides, ST NANO LETTERS 2010 10 4 1184
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