周六, 10/12/2024 - 13:36 IET-relation Journal of the American Steel Treaters Society 0095-8999 V.1(1918)-V.2(1920) Proceedings of the Steel Treating Research Society 0099-6009 V.1(1917)-V.2(1920) ASM transactions quarterly 0097-3912 V.54(1961)-V.62(1969) Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of AIME 0543-5722 V.212(1958)-V.245(1969) Materials Today 0096-4867 (1968)-(1968) Metals Engineering Quarterly 0026-0967 V.1(1961)-V.16(1976) Guide to engineered materials V.1(1986)-V.4(1989) Transactions of the American Society for Steel Treating 0096-476X V.1(1920)-V.21(1933) Transactions of the American Society for Metals 0096-7416 V.22(1934)-V.53(1960) Metal progress 0026-0665 V.18(1930)-V.130(1986) Advanced materials and processes 0882-7958 V.1(1985)- Metallurgical transactions 0026-086X V.1(1970)-V.5(1974) Metallurgical transactions A:Physical metallurgy and materials science 0360-2133 V.6(1975)-V.24(1993) Metallurgical transactions B: Process metallurgy 0360-2141 V.6(1975)-V.24(1993) Metallurgical and materials transactions A:Physical metallurgy and materials science 1073-5623 V.25(1994)- Metallurgical and materials transactions B:Process metallurgy and materials processing science 1073-5615 V.25(1994)-