Zeitschrift für Physik: Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft |
0044-3328 |
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epj-1 |
Colloque de Physique |
0449-1947 |
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epj-2 |
Europhysics Letters |
1986- |
0295-5075 |
1286-4854 |
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epj-2 |
Journal de Physique |
0302-0738 |
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epj-2 |
Journal de Physique Colloque |
0449-1947 |
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epj-2 |
Journal de Physique III |
1155-4320 |
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epj-2 |
Journal de Physique IV - Proceedings |
1155-4339 |
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epj-2 |
Journal de Physique Lettres |
0302-072X |
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epj-2 |
Journal de Physique Theorique et Appliquee |
0368-3893 |
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epj-2 |
Le Journal de Physique et le Radium |
0368-3842 |
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epj-2 |
Lettere al Nuovo Cimento |
1969-1970 |
0024-1318 |
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epj-2 |
Lettere al Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica |
1971-1985 |
0375-930X |
1827-613X |
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epj-2 |
The European Physical Journal E |
all |
1292-8941 |
1292-895X |
无馆藏 |
epj-2 |
The European Physical Journal Special Topics |
all |
1951-6355 |
1951-6401 |
无馆藏 |
epj-2 |
Revue de Physique Appliquee |
0035-1687 |
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epj-2 |
Journal of Geophysical Research A (Space Physics) |
1978- |
0196-6928 |
2169-9402 |
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jgr-1 |
Journal of Geophysical Research B |
1978- |
0196-6936 |
2169-9356 |
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jgr-1 |
Journal of Geophysical Research C (Oceans and Atmospheres) |
1978- |
0196-2256 |
2169-9291 |
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jgr-1 |
Journal of Geophysical Research (pre-split) |
1949-1977 |
0148-0227 |
2156-2202 |
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jgr-1 |
Terrestrial Magnetism (1st incarnation of JGR) |
1896-1898 |
0272-7528 |
2156-2202 |
无馆藏 |
jgr-1 |
Terrestrial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity (2nd incarnation of JGR) |
1899-1948 |
0096-8013 |
2156-2202 |
无馆藏 |
jgr-1 |
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics |
1978- |
2169-9402 |
无馆藏 |
jgr-1 |
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth |
1978- |
2169-9313 |
2169-9356 |
无馆藏 |
jgr-1 |
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets |
1991- |
2169-9097 |
2169-9100 |
无馆藏 |
jgr-1 |
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans |
1978- |
2169-9275 |
2169-9291 |
无馆藏 |
jgr-1 |
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres |
1984- |
2169-897X |
2169-8996 |
无馆藏 |
jgr-1 |
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface |
2003- |
2169-9003 |
2169-9011 |
无馆藏 |
jgr-1 |
JGR: Biogeosciences |
2005- |
2169-8953 |
2169-8961 |
无馆藏 |
jgr-1 |
Quantum Optics: Journal of the European Optical Society Part B (1989-1994) |
1989-1994 |
0954-8998 |
无馆藏 |
jo-1 |
Nouvelle Revue d'Optique (1973-1976) |
1973-1976 |
0335-7368 |
无馆藏 |
jo-1 |