Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Part II: Applications and Industry |
1952-1963 |
0097-2185 |
2379-6774 |
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ieee-1 |
Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Part III: Power Apparatus and Systems |
1952-1962 |
0097-2460 |
2379-6766 |
查看馆藏 |
ieee-1 |
IEEE Transactions on Parts, Materials and Packaging |
1965-1971 |
0018-9502 |
1558-2655 |
查看馆藏 |
ieee-2 |
IEEE Transactions on Parts, Hybrids, and Packaging |
1971-1977 |
0361-1000 |
1558-2469 |
查看馆藏 |
ieee-2 |
IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging |
1999-2010 |
1521-3323 |
1557-9980 |
无馆藏 |
ieee-2 |
IEEE Transactions on Component Parts |
1963-1965 |
0097-6601 |
2168-1716 |
无馆藏 |
ieee-2 |
IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies |
1999-2010 |
1521-3331 |
1557-9972 |
无馆藏 |
ieee-2 |
IEEE Transactions on Components, Hybrids, and Manufacturing Technology |
1978-1993 |
0148-6411 |
1558-3082 |
无馆藏 |
ieee-2 |
IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology |
2011- |
2156-3950 |
2156-3985 |
无馆藏 |
ieee-2 |
IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology: Part A |
1994-1998 |
1070-9886 |
1558-3678 |
无馆藏 |
ieee-2 |
IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology: Part B |
1994-1998 |
1070-9894 |
1558-3686 |
无馆藏 |
ieee-2 |
IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology: Part C |
1996-1998 |
1083-4400 |
1558-1241 |
无馆藏 |
ieee-2 |
IEEE Transactions on Electronics Packaging Manufacturing |
1999-2010 |
1521-334X |
1558-0822 |
无馆藏 |
ieee-2 |
IEEE Transactions on Manufacturing Technology |
1972-1977 |
0046-838X |
1558-3074 |
无馆藏 |
ieee-2 |
IEEE Transactions on Product Engineering and Production |
1963-1965 |
0097-4544 |
1558-2450 |
无馆藏 |
ieee-2 |
IRE Transactions on Component Parts |
1955-1962 |
0096-2422 |
2168-1708 |
无馆藏 |
ieee-2 |
IRE Transactions on Product Engineering and Production |
1961-1962 |
0096-1760 |
无馆藏 |
ieee-2 |
IRE Transactions on Production Techniques |
1956-1959 |
0096-1779 |
2331-1649 |
无馆藏 |
ieee-2 |
Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Component Parts |
1954-1954 |
2168-1686 |
2168-1694 |
无馆藏 |
ieee-2 |
The European Physical Journal B |
1998- |
1434-6028 |
1434-6036 |
查看馆藏 |
epj-1 |
The European Physical Journal D |
1998- |
1434-6060 |
1434-6079 |
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epj-1 |
Journal de Physique I |
1155-4304 |
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epj-1 |
Journal de Physique II |
1155-4312 |
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epj-1 |
Physik der Kondensierten Materie |
0031-9236 |
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epj-1 |
Zeitschrift für Physik A: Atomic and Nuclei |
0930-1151 |
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epj-1 |
Zeitschrift für Physik A: Atoms and Nuclei |
0340-2193 |
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epj-1 |
Zeitschrift für Physik A: Hadrons and Nuclei |
0939-7922 |
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epj-1 |
Zeitschrift für Physik B: Condensed Matter |
0722-3277 |
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epj-1 |
Zeitschrift für Physik B: Condensed Matter and Quanta |
0340-224X |
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epj-1 |
Zeitschrift für Physik D: Atoms, Molecules and Clusters |
0178-7683 |
查看馆藏 |
epj-1 |