题名 作者 期刊名称 页码
Generation of Bell states in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates Zhang, GF; Yin, W; Liang, JQ; Yan, QW CHINESE PHYSICS 2004 13 7 988
V型三能级系统中五阶极化拍频的理论研究 张彦鹏; 卢克清; 唐天同; 傅盘铭; 光学学报 2000 3 335-341
Influence of ferroelectric poling induced strain on magnetic and electric properties in tetravalent cation-doped La0.9Hf0.1MnO3 films Wu, ZP; Wang, L; Guo, EJ; Gao, J JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2012 111 7 7E+105
Front-side illuminated CdS/CdSe quantum dots co-sensitized solar cells based on TiO2 nanotube arrays Guan, XF; Huang, SQ; Zhang, QX; Shen, X; Sun, HC; Li, DM; Luo, YH; Yu, RC; Meng, QB NANOTECHNOLOGY 2011 22 46 465402
Magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effects in antiferromagnetic ErTiSi Shen, J; Zhao, JL; Hu, FX; Wu, JF; Gong, MQ; Li, YX; Sun, JR; Shen, BG JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2010 107 9 09A931
β-Zn_3BPO_7非线性光学晶体的光谱特性 侯碧辉;俱海浪;陈华;张尔攀;傅佩珍;韩守振;汪力; 光散射学报 2009 2 197-200
Broadband second harmonic generation in one-dimensional randomized nonlinear photonic crystal Sheng, Y; Ma, DL; Ren, ML; Chai, WQ; Li, ZY; Koynov, K; Krolikowski, W APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 2011 99 3 31108
Anomalous c-axis charge dynamics in copper oxide materials Feng, SP; Yuan, F; Yu, WQ; Zhang, PP PHYSICAL REVIEW B 1999 60 10 7565
Superconductivity in the iron selenide KxFe2Se2 (0 <= x <= 1.0) Guo, JG; Jin, SF; Wang, G; Wang, SC; Zhu, KX; Zhou, TT; He, M; Chen, XL PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2010 82 18 180520
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Influence of Gold Nanoparticles Anchored to Carbon Nanotubes on Formation and Decomposition of Li2O2 in Nonaqueous Li-O-2 Batteries Fan, WG; Guo, XX; Xiao, DD; Gu, L JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 2014 118 14 7344
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Modulation of the magnetic/conductive dead layer at the manganites-SrTiO3 interface Gao, WW; Hu, FX; Shen, BG; Sun, JR JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2015 117 17 17C733
Numerical investigation of high-contrast ultrafast all-optical switching in low-refractive-index polymeric photonic crystal nanobeam microcavities Meng, ZM; Zhong, XL; Wang, C; Li, ZY EPL 2012 98 5 54002
Simulations of a grazing-incidence pumped x-ray laser at 14.7 nm Yan, F; Zhang, J; Dong, QL; Lu, X; Li, YJ PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2006 73 2 23812
Structural analysis of Si(111)-7 x 7 domain boundaries with takayanaki cores Zhao, YF; Zhang, ZH; Yang, HQ; Xue, ZQ; Pang, SJ JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A-VACUUM SURFACES AND FILMS 2000 18 2 320
Magnetic properties of R2Fe17-xGaxC (R = Gd or Tb) compounds Zhang, JX; Cheng, ZH; Shen, BG; Liang, B; van Lier, J; Kleinschroth, I; Zhan, WS; Kronmuller, H JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS 1998 183 1-2 111
Electron affinity and effect of annealing on heavily boron-doped diamond films Wong, KW; Lee, ST; Lin, ZD; Lam, YW; Kwok, RWM JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS SHORT NOTES & REVIEW PAPERS 1999 38 2A 791
Theoretical study of the intensity dependence of total effective trap density in photorefractive crystals Chi, MJ; Dou, SX; Ye, PX ACTA PHYSICA SINICA-OVERSEAS EDITION 1999 8 9 664
Distinguishing glide and shuffle types for 60 degrees dislocation in semicoductors by field-emission HREM image processing Wang, D; Li, FH; Zou, J ULTRAMICROSCOPY 2000 85 3 131
Structural modulation and electronic structural features in the charge ordered state of La(0.5)Sr(1.5)MnO(4) Zeng, LJ; Ma, C; Yang, HX; Xiao, RJ; Li, JQ; Jansen, J PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2008 77 2 24107
High-order harmonic generation by laser interaction with solid target using moving mirror model Li, K; Zhang, J; Yu, W ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 2003 52 6 1412
Oxygen pressure dependent electroresistance in La0.9Sr0.1MnO3 thin films grown by laser molecular beam epitaxy Ouyang, SH; Wang, CC; Liu, GZ; He, M; Jin, KJ; Dang, ZM; Lu, HB SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES G-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY 2008 51 3 232
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Exact solution of the trigonometric SU(3) spin chain with generic off-diagonal boundary reflections Li, GL; Cao, JP; Hao, K; Wen, FK; Yang, WL; Shi, KJ NUCLEAR PHYSICS B 2016 910 410
Hydrostaticity of Pressure Media in Diamond Anvil Cells You, SJ; Chen, LC; Jin, CQ CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS 2009 26 9 96202
Parameter studies of attosecond x-ray pulses generated by nonlinear Thomson scattering Zheng J; Sheng ZM; Zhang J; Wei ZY; Yu W X-RAY LASERS 2004 2005 186 451
Magnetic properties and structural phase transformations of NiMnGa alloys Wang, WH; Hu, FX; Chen, JL; Li, YX; Wang, Z; Gao, ZY; Zheng, YF; Zhao, LC; Wu, GH; Zan, WS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS 2001 37 4 2715
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Correlation between the morphology of Ag and the contact resistivity of the Ag/YBa2Cu3O7-delta thin film contact Liu, T; Zhao, YG; Li, TB; Zhu, MH; Zhang, LW; Huang, HS; Liu, ML; Zhou, YL; He, M; Lu, HB; Cao, BS JOURNAL OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 2001 14 3 455
Magnetic properties of R2Co15Al2 compounds with R = Y, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, and Tm Shen, BG; Cheng, ZH; Zhang, SY; Wang, JY; Liang, B; Zhang, HW; Zhan, WS JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 1999 85 5 2787
Electrical Control of the Electron Spin Relaxation in (In) GaAs-based Quantum Wells Balocchi, A; Azaizia, S; Carrere, H; Amand, T; Arnoult, A; Fontaine, C; Liu, BL; Marie, X 2016 IEEE NANOTECHNOLOGY MATERIALS AND DEVICES CONFERENCE (NMDC) 2016
One-step synthesis of hierarchical carnation-like NiS superstructures via a surfactant-free aqueous solution route Zhan, FM; Geng, BY; Guo, YJ; Wang, L JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 2009 482 1-2 L1
Composite Counter Electrode Based on Nanoparticulate PbS and Carbon Black: Towards Quantum Dot-Sensitized Solar Cells with Both High Efficiency and Stability Yang, YY; Zhu, LF; Sun, HC; Huang, XM; Luo, YH; Li, DM; Meng, QB ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES 2012 4 11 6162
Influence of small molecules in conducting polyaniline on the photovoltaic properties of solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells Tan, SX; Zhai, J; Wan, MX; Meng, QB; Li, YL; Jiang, L; Zhu, DB JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 2004 108 48 18693
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Comment I on "Grain-boundary effects on the electrical resistivity and the ferromagnetic transition temperature of La0.8Ca0.2MnO3" [Appl. Phys. Lett. 77, 118 (2000)] Zhu, T; Sun, JR; Shen, BG APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 2001 78 12 1790
Annular Fast Electron Transport in Silicon Arising from Low-Temperature Resistivity MacLellan, DA; Carroll, DC; Gray, RJ; Booth, N; Burza, M; Desjarlais, MP; Du, F; Gonzalez-Izquierdo, B; Neely, D; Powell, HW; Robinson, APL; Rusby, DR; Scott, GG; Yuan, XH; Wahlstrom, CG; McKenna, P PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2013 111 9 95001
