题名 作者 期刊名称 页码
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Generation of single plasma channel in air Zhong, JY; Li, YT; Lu, X; Zhang, Y; Jens, B; Lin, F; Hao, ZQ; Zhang, Z; Yu, QZ; Chen, M; Yuan, XH; Liang, WX; Zhao, G; Zhang, J ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 2007 56 12 7114
Understanding the intermediate initial state in TiO2-delta/La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 stack-based bipolar resistive switching devices Chen, YS; Chen, B; Gao, B; Chen, LP; Lian, GJ; Liu, LF; Wang, Y; Liu, XY; Kang, JF APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 2011 99 7 72113
Felling of individual freestanding nanoobjects using focused-ion-beam milling for investigations of structural and transport properties Li, WX; Fenton, JC; Cui, AJ; Wang, H; Wang, YQ; Gu, CZ; McComb, DW; Warburton, PA NANOTECHNOLOGY 2012 23 10 105301
Probing the superconducting energy gap from infrared spectroscopy on a Ba0.6K0.4Fe2As2 single crystal with T-c=37 K Li, G; Hu, WZ; Dong, J; Li, Z; Zheng, P; Chen, GF; Luo, JL; Wang, NL PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2008 101 10 107004
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Magnetic relaxation and critical current density of MgB2 thin films Wen, HH; Li, SL; Zhao, ZW; Jin, H; Ni, YM; Kang, WN; Kim, HJ; Choi, EM; Lee, SI PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2001 64 13 134505
Controlling the radiation direction of propagating surface plasmons on silver nanowires Wang, ZX; Wei, H; Pan, D; Xu, HX LASER & PHOTONICS REVIEWS 2014 8 4 596
可调谐中红外皮秒参量激光产生及中红外微弱信号灵敏探测 张秋琳; 张静; 邱康生; 江曼; 张东香; 冯宝华; 量子电子学报2012i1 第九届全国光学前沿问题讨论会论文摘要集 2011 1
Ion beam control in laser plasma interaction Kawata, S; Izumiyama, T; Sato, D; Nagashima, T; Takano, M; Barada, D; Gu, J; Ma, YY; Kong, Q; Wang, PX; Wang, WM 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INERTIAL FUSION SCIENCES AND APPLICATIONS (IFSA 2013) 2016 688 12045
Determinant representations for scalar products of the XXZ Gaudin model with general boundary terms Hao, K; Yang, WL; Fan, H; Liu, SY; Wu, K; Yang, ZY; Zhang, YZ NUCLEAR PHYSICS B 2012 862 3 835
稀土硫酸盐对Na_2Mo_(0.1)S_(0.9)O_4离子导电性的影响 杨书廷; 赵林治; 张明春; 丁立; 陈立泉; 河南师范大学学报(自然科学版) 1991 2 63-70
Optical properties of Pd-Ag and Pt-Ag nanoboxes synthesized via galvanic replacement reactions Chen, JY; Wiley, B; McLellan, J; Xiong, YJ; Li, ZY; Xia, YN NANO LETTERS 2005 5 10 2058
Thickness-Dependent Morphologies of Gold on N-Layer Graphenes Zhou, HQ; Qiu, CY; Liu, Z; Yang, HC; Hu, LJ; Liu, J; Yang, HF; Gu, CZ; Sun, LF JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 2010 132 3 944
Enhanced stability of black phosphorus field-effect transistors with SiO2 passivation Wan, BS; Yang, BC; Wang, Y; Zhang, JY; Zeng, ZM; Liu, ZY; Wang, WH NANOTECHNOLOGY 2015 26 43 435702
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Enhanced magnetoresistance of La2/3Ca1/3MnO3/CeO2 nanocystalline composites synthesized by polymer-network gel method Yao, LD; Zhang, W; Zhang, JS; Yang, H; Li, FY; Liu, ZX; Jin, CQ; Yu, RC JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2007 101 6 63905
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Formation of bulk beta-FeSi2 by annealing rapidly solidified alpha-FeSi2 ribbons Zhou, ZH; Zhao, JH; Wang, WK; Sun, LL JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH 2000 15 5 1045
In situ fabrication of cobalt-doped SrFe2As2 thin films by using pulsed laser deposition with excimer laser Choi, EM; Jung, SG; Lee, NH; Kwon, YS; Kang, WN; Kim, DH; Jung, MH; Lee, SI; Sun, LL APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 2009 95 6 62507
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Mechanically exfoliated g-C3N4 thin nanosheets by ball milling as high performance photocatalysts Zhu, KX; Wang, WJ; Meng, A; Zhao, M; Wang, JH; Zhao, M; Zhang, DL; Jia, YP; Xu, CH; Li, ZJ RSC ADVANCES 2015 5 69 56239
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Single [101]-oriented growth of La0.9Sr0.1MnO3 films on vicinal SrTiO3(001) substrates Zhuo, MJ; Zhu, YL; Ma, XL; Lu, HB APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 2006 88 7 71905
External electric field effects on electronic and magnetic properties at molecule-metal interfaces: Cu-phthalocyanine adsorbed on Fe(001) surface Liang, SH; Tao, LL; Liu, DP; Han, XF JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2013 114 8 83702
Theoretical study on mid-infrared photon localization in the media using metal spheres as random scatterers Liu, XD; Li, SG; Hou, LT; Wang, HT ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 2002 51 9 2123
Structure and superconductivity of Mg(B1-xCx)(2) compounds Zhang, SY; Zhang, J; Zhao, TY; Rong, CB; Shen, BG; Cheng, ZH CHINESE PHYSICS 2001 10 4 335
中国热量表及其国产化的若干理论和技术问题 王树铎; 中国建设信息(供热制冷专刊) 2003 5 30-37
1D Coaxial Platinum/Titanium Nitride Nanotube Arrays with Enhanced Electrocatalytic Activity for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction: Towards Li-Air Batteries Dong, SM; Chen, X; Wang, S; Gu, L; Zhang, LX; Wang, XG; Zhou, XH; Liu, ZH; Han, PX; Duan, YL; Xu, HX; Yao, JH; Zhang, CJ; Zhang, KJ; Cui, GL; Chen, LQ CHEMSUSCHEM 2012 5 9 1712
STRUCTURAL CHANGES INDUCED BY MICROALLOYING IN CU_(46)ZR_(47-X)AL_7GD_X METALLIC GLASSES Xue-Kui XI; Magdalena Traico SANDOR; Yan-Hui LIU; Wei-Hua WANG; Yue WU; 第十三届北京分析测试学术报告会暨展览会摘要集 2009 1
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The spin glass behavior in the Heusler alloy Cu2VAl Zhang, W; Sun, YJ; Wang, HX; Li, Y; Zhang, X; Sui, Y; Luo, HZ; Meng, FB; Qian, ZN; Wu, G JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 2014 589 230
