周四, 10/24/2024 - 15:01 IET-relation Radiation Effects 0033-7579 V.1(1969)-V.107(1989) Radiation Effects Letters 0142-2448 V.43(1979)-V.68(1983) Radiation Effects Letters Section 0884-8343 V.76(1983)-V.87(1986) Plasma Devices and Operations 1051-9998 V.1(1990)-V.17(2009) Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 1042-0150 V.108(1989)- Radiation Effects Bulletin 0888-448X V.1(1986)- Radiation Effects Express 0888-7322 V.1(1987)-? Crystal Lattice Defects 0011-2305 V.1(1969)-V.9(1982) Crystal Lattice Defects and Amorphous Materials 0732-8699 V.9(1982)-V.18(1989)