刊名 可看年限 ISSN eISSN 馆藏信息 期刊关联性
Language Variation and Change 1989-1998 1469-8021 无馆藏
Edinburgh Mathematical Notes 1909-1961 0950-1843 无馆藏
International Journal of Middle East Studies 1970-1999 1471-6380 无馆藏
Mineralogical Magazine 2017- 0026-461X 1471-8022 无馆藏
Journal of Modern African Studies 1963-1996 1469-7777 无馆藏
Nordic Journal of Linguistics 1978-2002 1502-4717 无馆藏
Netherlands International Law Review 1953-2002 1741-6191 无馆藏
New Theatre Quarterly 1985-2001 1474-0613 无馆藏
New Testament Studies 1954-1998 1469-8145 无馆藏
Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 1970-2003 1574-0951 无馆藏
BSAP Occasional Publication (British Society of Animal Production) 1978-1994 0263-967X 无馆藏
Cambridge Opera Journal 1989-1999 1474-0621 无馆藏
Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Production 1972-1975 0308-2296 无馆藏
Papers of the American Society of Church History 1889-1934 1079-9028 无馆藏
Personality Neuroscience 2018- 2513-9886 无馆藏
Philosophy 1926-1997 0031-8191 1469-817X 无馆藏
Phonology 1984-1996 1469-8188 无馆藏
Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements 1966-2004 1358-2461 1755-3555 无馆藏
Plainsong and Medieval Music 1992-1999 1474-7008 无馆藏
Psychological Medicine Monograph Supplement 1982-1993 0264-1801 无馆藏
Popular Music 1981-1999 1474-0095 无馆藏
Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London 1843-1920 0950-7973 无馆藏
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Section B: Biological Sciences 1941-1994 0269-7270 无馆藏
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 1844-1940 0370-1646 无馆藏
Prospects 1975-2005 0361-2333 无馆藏
Journal of Public Policy 1981-1997 1469-7815 无馆藏
Abstracts of Working Papers in Economics 1986-2004 0951-0079 无馆藏
Quantitative Plant Biology 2020- 2632-8828 无馆藏
International Review of the Red Cross - English version 1961-1997 0020-8604 无馆藏
Reviews in Clinical Gerontology 1991-1996 1469-9036 无馆藏
