刊名 可看年限 ISSN eISSN 馆藏信息 期刊关联性
Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers Part 1: General 1941- 0367-7559 查看馆藏
Biosemiotics all 1875-1342 1875-1350 无馆藏
BIOspektrum all 0947-0867 1868-6249 无馆藏
Biotechnology Letters all 0141-5492 1573-6776 无馆藏
BIT Numerical Mathematics all 0006-3835 1572-9125 无馆藏
Boundary-Layer Meteorology all 0006-8314 1573-1472 无馆藏
Brain Tumor Pathology all 1433-7398 1861-387X 无馆藏
Building Simulation all 1996-3599 1996-8744 无馆藏
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering all 1570-761X 1573-1456 无馆藏
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology all 0007-4861 1432-0800 无馆藏
Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine all 0007-4888 1573-8221 无馆藏
Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers Part 2: Power Engineering 未订购 0367-7567 查看馆藏
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology all 0092-8240 1522-9602 无馆藏
Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, New Series all 1678-7544 1678-7714 无馆藏
Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society all 1735-8515 无馆藏
Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute all 1068-3356 1934-838X 无馆藏
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics all 1062-8738 1934-9432 无馆藏
Bulletin of Volcanology all 1432-0819 无馆藏
Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz all 1436-9990 1437-1588 无馆藏
Business & Information Systems Engineering all 2363-7005 1867-0202 无馆藏
Calcolo all 0008-0624 1126-5434 无馆藏
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations all 0944-2669 1432-0835 无馆藏
Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers Part 3: Communication Engineering 未订购 2050-2605 查看馆藏
Canadian Journal of Public Health all 1920-7476 无馆藏
Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education all 1492-6156 1942-4051 无馆藏
Canadian Studies in Population all 0380-1489 1927-629X 无馆藏
CardioVasc all 1617-4933 1618-3851 无馆藏
Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology all 1869-4098 无馆藏
Catalysis in Industry all 2070-0504 2070-0555 无馆藏
Catalysis Letters all 1011-372X 1572-879X 无馆藏
