刊名 可看年限 ISSN eISSN 馆藏信息 期刊关联性
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 1959- 0022-4073 查看馆藏
Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 1987-1996 1365-3016 无馆藏
Paleoceanography 1986-1996 1944-9186 无馆藏
Parliamentary History 1982-1996 1750-0206 无馆藏
Peace & Change 1972-1996 1468-0130 无馆藏
Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 1990-1996 1399-3038 无馆藏
Pediatric Anesthesia 1991-1996 1460-9592 无馆藏
Pediatric Dermatology 1983-1996 1525-1470 无馆藏
Performance & Instruction (currently known as Performance Improvement) 1961-2005 1930-8272 无馆藏
Performance Improvement Quarterly 1988-1996 1937-8327 无馆藏
Personal Relationships 1994-1996 1475-6811 无馆藏
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 1973- 0377-0486 1097-4555 查看馆藏
Personnel Psychology 1948-1996 1744-6570 无馆藏
Perspectives in Psychiatric Care 1963-1996 1744-6163 无馆藏
Pharmazie in Unserer Zeit 1972-2000 1615-1003 无馆藏
Philosophical Investigations 1978-1996 1467-9205 无馆藏
Photogrammetric Record 1953-1996 1477-9730 无馆藏
Physik in Unserer Zeit 1970-1999 1521-3943 无馆藏
Policy Studies Journal 1972-1996 1541-0072 无馆藏
Political Quarterly 1930-1996 1467-923X 无馆藏
Politics & Policy 1973-1996 1747-1346 无馆藏
Population, Space and Place (previously International Journal of Population Geography) 1995-1996 1544-8452 无馆藏
Practical Diabetes International 1984-1999 1528-252X 无馆藏
Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (incorporating Proceedings of the Society of Magnetic Resonance [1993], and Proceedings of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine [1982-1992]) 1982-1998 1557-3672 无馆藏
Process Safety Progress 1982-1998 1547-5913 无馆藏
Production and Operations Management 1992-1996 1937-5956 无馆藏
Psychology and Psychotherapy : Theory, Research and Practice 1920-1996 2044-8341 无馆藏
Psycho-oncology 1992-1995 1099-1611 无馆藏
Public Administration 1923-1996 1467-9299 无馆藏
Public Administration & Development 1981-1995 1099-162X 无馆藏
